Nothing in the world carries more weight than a signature. Whether you are in it for the extra branding and impressions, merch booth sales, or you just love to put your name on things. Scorpion Percussion Signature Customization will add value to your brand. To order your customized Immortal Series, fill out the form. For more information please review the requirements below.
1. 12 pairs min
2. Setup fees are comp'd for your initial order and $50 for any change made to art or printing plate.
3. Signature artists approve art prior to production
4. Signature artists receive an artist page on our site
5. Custom lengths such as 16.25" and 16.75" are available for an extra $2/pr and a 24 pair minimum
1. We print black ink only. White or transparent background only. No textures or gradients in your art please.
2. 300 dpi / high resolution. Printable area is .5” x 2 ⅞” long
3. Accepted large file formats: .PNG / .PDF / .PSD / .AI
4. To submit actual signatures, sign a piece of white paper with a GOOD sharpie and take a well-lit and clear photo.
5. Simple designs are best
14 days = Initial signature setups and any modification orders
7 days = Signature artist reorders
2 days = $50 Expedited production fee (head of the line)
SHIPPING - (shipping is in addition to production time)
USPS Priority - 4 Days (Possible Seasonal delays)
UPS - 3 Days
DHL / UPS - International Orders
Prep and Proof

Set Up and Print

Dip Rack