Sammi Jo Bishop - Brand Ambassador – Scorpion Percussion

Sammi Jo Bishop - Brand Ambassador

5B | Oval | 16" | Venom Grip

"These sticks are amazing! Long lasting with great weight and feel. I won't use anything else!"

Drummer Sammi Jo Bishop poses with Scorpion Percussion drumsticks behind his drumkit

Sammi Jo Bishop started her drumming journey in her teenage years. She started out traveling regionally with various classic & southern rock cover groups. Her first world tour was with Tito & Tarantula known for their appearances in many Quentin Tarantino films. In between, she picked up a spot in various tributes around Dallas Texas that featured bands like Mötley Crüe, Poison & Guns N Roses. Sammi was later granted an opportunity to play with the legendary Jim Dandy in Black Oak Arkansas. She is now the current drummer of the band Saliva & tours the majority of the year. In between tours, Sammi is a full-time drum teacher with many students of all ages & she is very passionate about inspiring the next generation.

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