Eric Althaus - Signature Artist – Scorpion Percussion

Eric Althaus - Signature Artist

5B | Oval | 16" | Lacquer

"Drumming is the rhythm and heartbeat of my life. Whether playing live or recording, my Scorpion sticks are the perfect tools to transfer my heart and soul into my drums. The weapons-grade hickory lasts several shows, and my signature sticks feel great and always seem to pull the best tones from my drums and cymbals."

Drummer Eric Althaus poses with Scorpion Percussion drumsticks behind his drumkit

Eric is a career drummer with Major Label credits, National Tours, Commercial "Jingles", music for Video Game releases, Top 20 & Top 40 charts, and more. Currently, Eric performs with his fun variety band, Skitzo Fonik, touring regionally around the Dakota(s), Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Illinois areas of the US.

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