Chris Barkensjö - International Signature Artist – Scorpion Percussion

Chris Barkensjö - Signature Artist

"They´ve never felt so comfortable. They're like an extension of my arm"

Drummer Chris Barkensjö plays live on stag with his Immortal Series sticks

I started playing drums at the age of 8. Growing up, music was constantly around, so it has always been a big part of my life. Drums was my number one instrument of choice though. Inspired and playing along to bands like The Beatles, Led Zeppelin & Kiss to name a few brought me later on to the heavier genres in music. Starting my first death metal band at the age of 14 gave me such a satisfactory level that it has always been my favorite genre to play even though I play other genres as well. Did my first tour as a 16 year old. After that, I moved on into other bands, touring & recording albums within the metal scene with bands such as Repugnant, Kaamos, Grave, Face down, The Resistance, Carnal Forge, Witchery etc. Current drumming activity - 2014 I started my "baby" LIK with my friend Tomas. A band which has been going very well since. We have released 3 full length albums now and the 2 latest ones on Metal Blade Records.

Our current release "Misanthropic Breed" was released September 25th and has received really good reviews and recognition all over the world, growing a steady fan base. I'm also a member of Witchery which I joined a couple of years back having released 2 full length albums so far and a 3rd is in the making. I just love playing drums.

Drummer behind drum kit on stage from a distance holds his hand out for the crowd
Drummer behind drum kit on stage from a distance holds his hand out for the crowd

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