Scorpion Percussion Signature Artist WAYNE SHOVLIN has been in the music industry for more than 30 years. As a touring drummer throughout the 80s and 90s for punk bands, Fabulous Disaster and The Zeros to Pennsylvania metal band, Punished. Wayne has been featured in Modern Drummer and Drum! magazines. These days, Wayne focuses more on Drum Tech for some of the industry's top drummers-- including, but not limited to COLLECTIVE SOUL. He still tours extensively as a Drum Tech.
We got a chance to chat with Wayne about his life in the business.
How long have you been a drummer?
I've been drumming for my entire life. I got my first kit for Christmas at age 10.
You have a cool job! What did the path to becoming a drum tech for Collective Soul look like?
After many years of playing and touring with my own bands, I started Drum Teching for the big dudes.
Hard work! Imagine that... As a drum tech, sound check is your gig… what are some major sound check “do’s and don’ts”?
For sound check, it's important to give the Audio Engineer exactly what he needs. Make sure the drums are perfectly in tune, new heads when needed, and hit them just like your artist hits them.
How many tours have you been on as a drum tech?
I've been touring for 30 plus years. I'm fortunate that I've got to work with so many of my drumming idols.
What are some unique challenges in the drum tech world?
Unique challenges would be-- being on the road so much away from family and loved ones, missing important dates, etc. but, that goes for anyone who tours for a living.
Drum Tech specific challenges are-- constant cleaning and polishing, especially when doing a lot of outdoor shows, the hardware will get rusty and pitted if you don't keep up. Also, when going from hot outdoor shows to indoor air conditioned shows, you have to keep up on tuning. The heads will change from hot to cold and vise versa.
What are 3 tools or pieces of gear that you would never go on the road without?
Three tools that I always have are, Groove Juice Cymbal Polish, Rod Morganstein's Wing Thing for tightening everything, and of course my WayneO Signature Series Scorpion Drumsticks.

Any words of wisdom to drummers interested in tech-ing?
My advice to any drummers interested in becoming a drum Tech is this... Any of us can set up drums, tune drums, do all necessary maintenance on drums, the most important part is to be cool with all of your coworkers, always be on time, always be efficient. You're on the road with your touring family, it's important to get along, don't be difficult, and work through any problems nicely.
How can we follow your adventures?
Please follow my adventures on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat.
Wayneodrums on FB and Snap.
Shovlinroad on Insta and Tiktok.

1 comment
Must be one of the coolest jobs ever and to setup play & ready the gig drumsets for touring drummers… All the kits you’ve laid eyes & hands upon, there must be a book to write in there somewhere.